Friday, 17 June 2011

Text Messaging hidden emotions

Text messaging, or texting, refers to the exchange of brief written text messages between fixed-line phone or mobile phone and fixed or portable devices over a network.

But has anyone thought what is hidden behind each text message?!

Think about it…. It might change your attitude towards messages…

You are writing a text message
Do you know what is going happen next? You sent it

Yes, and you received notification that the message is sent.

The message was received!

What is going to happen now? And now THE worst part, you are starting to wait for a reply.

Reply from who? Of course from HER!

But you are smart, you finished your message with the question mark, you wanted her to reply immediately, because it is impossible wait for reply. How is it possible wait for HER reply?

Even in the noisiest nightclub, or during interesting movie, or even when you sleep you will notice the move and light of the screen of your phone with incoming message.

Message from who? From HER. In the darkness the phone is shining as the shiniest star. It's HER!

And now you know, now you know for sure, why people need long fingers: for pressing buttons on your phone! You are pressing buttons that becomes letters, and letter become words and those words flies directly to the space.

Flies where? To HER!
"Hi, smile :).
I'm thinking about you smile :).
When can we see each other? Ten times smile :)))
And kiss xxx as many kisses as possible to fit in one message...

Text messages are not as simple as they look like, each message you receive or send has hidden story, feeling and emotions to tell and sshow…. It is my next digital story topic... share your experiences... agree or disagree…but you can not deny the fact "texting is much more pressing buttons"

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Projects That Gave Hope To People

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth had no form. It was empty, covered with darkness and water. Then the Spirit of God hovered over the water, and God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good…

Then God said, “Let the water under the heaven be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear,” and it happened.

And God called the dry land “earth”; and the gathering together of the waters He called “seas”: and God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the earth produce grass, and herbs, and fruit trees, all yielding after their own kind,” and it happened; And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let the earth be filled with living creatures.” So He made the animals on the earth, the cattle, and every thing that crawls upon the earth—all producing after their kinds; and God saw that it was good.

…with time animals called humans started to form communities, then societies, then nations. Then nations were divided by different values, cultures, believes. In many cases those values were materialistic; cultures, in many cases, based on humiliation and imposed rule on weaker; and believes are weak and can be sold. God saw that it was NOT good.

…on March 11 2011 God sent on earth two disasters earth quake and tsunami. And God said “let those survive learn a lesson and reconsider their lives” but human were ahead and made third disaster to happen: nuclear threat. And God said “I let you be” and God left…

…disaster left many people homeless, died, or missing. Number of people still suffering and can not help themselves they were left by elected leaders and no one wants to help them. People in need are not afraid they believe God will come back to them and help them…

Friday, 3 June 2011

Song that raised attention and awareness of what happening in South Africa

Today, I am going to introduce a song that raised attention and awareness of what were happening in South Africa.

"Biko" is a protest song by British rock musician Peter Gabriel. It is about Steve Biko, a noted black South African anti-apartheid activist. Biko had been arrested by the South African police in late August 1977. After being held in custody for several days, he was interrogated in room 619 of the Walmer Street prison in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape. Following the interrogation, during which he sustained serious head injuries, Biko was transferred to a prison in Pretoria, where he died shortly afterwards, on 12 September 1977. 

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

We are here to make a difference

This blog is not for those who don’t believe in possible changes.

I will upload projects that making difference now.